Homeopathy Remedies
1- Silicea
Ulcers which do not heal quickly.
Promotes healing of indolent ulcers.
Better by hot dressing.
Granulations difficult.
Proud flesh.
2- Acid Flour
Ulcers relieved by cold dressing.
3- Hepar Sulph
An Excellent remedy for curing ulcers.
4- Gunpowder
Ulcers commencing around the ankles and extending to the knees.
Exuding foul pus,less swollen,red and shiny.
5- Aranea Diad
Gangrenous ulcers.
When calcarea and Silicia aggravated ,Arsanic Album partially relieved.
Aranea Diad completely cured,patient being chilly and worst on alternate days.
6- Hydrastis Can
Deep eating spreading ulcers upon the skin or mucus membranes with burning and thick viscid,yellow pus.
7- Comociadia Dentata
Ulcers with hard edges,erysipelas of malignant nature,great swelling,intense itching.
8- Carbo Veg
Ulcers in folds of skin .
Indolent ulcers which continue bleeding passively.
Lchorous ,acrid and thin discharge.
9- Sulphur
Ulcers with violent scrathcing .
10- Staphisagria
Skin readily ulcerates in rickety children.
11- Nux Mosch
Ulceration in hysterical patients.
12- Natrum Carbonate
For ulcers on heels after walking.
13- Sanicula
Ulceration between toes.
14- Paeonia
for ulcers caused by biting of shoes.
15- Opium
Ulcers which are perfectly painless,which do not granulate and do not heal or spread.
Insensibility of parts which are in a high grade of Inflammation.
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