Homeopathy Remedies & Indications
1- Agaricus Mus
Is the head remedy.
Chilblains more painful during cold weather,
head remedy for Frostbite.
2- Psorinum
Skin rough,
chaps easily-becomes thick and scaly,
cracks break out in little scaly eruptions,
dingy ,
dirty and foul look as if covered with dirt.
3- Petroleum
Cracks on skin about the ends of fingers and on the back of the hands skin rough,
cracks and bleeds,
the tissues are hardened.
4- Rhus Ven
It is remedy foritching burning chilblains.
The mother Tincture applied locally will give immediate relief and cure.
5- Rhus tox
In inflamed chilblains.
6- Hepar sulph
In Chilblains when the Suppuration is threatend.
7- Cistus Can
Cracks on hard surface especially of workmen due to hard manual labour.
8- Sulphur
It is useful in persons with irritable skin.
9- Pulsatilla
In girls with delayed and scanty menstruation.
Better in open air.
Worse in heat.
Thirstlessness,dislikes fats.
Chilblains that turn blue or Bluish-red.
10- Crotalus
Threatened gangrene,chronic but accurring in hot very hot weather due to low vitality.
11- Tamus
Chilblains and chapped hands.
12- Acid Nit
Chilblains in toes ,
foot-sweat causing soreness in toes.
Patient loves fatty and saltish things.
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