Itching , Hives , Uticaria and Pruritus
Indications & Homeopathy Remedies
1- Calcarea Carb
Nettle rash or urticaria when it disappears on slightest exposure to fresh air.
2- Rhus Tox
Nettle rashor urticaria on hairy parts.
Eruptions on palms of hands which do not appear in the same place after healing.
When itches accompany ague and Rheumatism.
Large blobs.
Eruptions on genitals,male or female.
3- Chloral
Rashes large in size like Oedematous swelling.
4- Sarsaparilla
Itching eruptions during menses.
Moist eruptions in right groin during menses.
5- Lycopodium
Eruptions on the scalp,on the face,behind the ears in patches with the hair off.
Oozing of water or yellowish fluid.
Eczema of the infants.
6- Natrum Carb
Eruptions upon the finger tips and finger joints also the toes.
Vesicular eruptions open up and form ulcers.
7- Carduus M
Patch of eruptions on the skin which covers the lower part of the sternum due to bad liver and heart.
Sternal patch.
8- Corallium
Syphilitic erosions exuding badly smelling ichose,red eruptions which change to coppery.
9- Psorinum
Scaly eruptions which disappear in summer and return in winter.
Eruptions in bends of elbows and knees.
Voilent itching worse by warmth of bed or by scartching.
Eruptions or urticaria disappear in summer and reappear in winter.
10- Kali Mur
Eruptions ,pustules and pimples with whitish discharge and white tongue.
11- Selenium
Itching in the folds of the skin and about the knees.
Itching eruptions relieved by gentle rubbing.
Worse at night.
12- Carboneum Sulph
Eruptions,crusts,eczema,itching on the scalp,moist scaly pimple,sore and painful.
Erysipelas of the scalp.
13- Mezereum
Irritation of outer surface of the body.
Nervous feeling,biting,tingling,chaging from place to place on scartching.
Parts become cold after scartching.
Head covered with a thick leather like under which thick white pus collects here and there and the hair is glued together.
14- Stramonium
Intensely red rash on the skin,resembling scarlet ever with more shining appearance.
Redness of skin.
15- Ranunculus B
Blister like eruptions on the palms of hands of bluish or black colour.
16- Barium Sulph
Itching of the scalp.
17- Anacardium Or
Dermatitis with intense burning and itching which is increased on scartching.
18- Aethusa
Herpetic eruptions at tip of nose.
19- Syphilinum
Copper coloured spots.
20- Bovista
Hives attended with diarrhoea the stools being followed by tenesmus and bearing down.
21- Sepia
Hives worse in open air .
Epithelioma (Cancer ) of lips.
Wings of nose and eye lids.
22- Thyroidinum
Intense redness of the skin with intense itching.
23- Rumex
Worse in open air especially when undressing.
End of part 1
Indications & Homeopathy Remedies
1- Calcarea Carb
Nettle rash or urticaria when it disappears on slightest exposure to fresh air.
2- Rhus Tox
Nettle rashor urticaria on hairy parts.
Eruptions on palms of hands which do not appear in the same place after healing.
When itches accompany ague and Rheumatism.
Large blobs.
Eruptions on genitals,male or female.
3- Chloral
Rashes large in size like Oedematous swelling.
4- Sarsaparilla
Itching eruptions during menses.
Moist eruptions in right groin during menses.
5- Lycopodium
Eruptions on the scalp,on the face,behind the ears in patches with the hair off.
Oozing of water or yellowish fluid.
Eczema of the infants.
6- Natrum Carb
Eruptions upon the finger tips and finger joints also the toes.
Vesicular eruptions open up and form ulcers.
7- Carduus M
Patch of eruptions on the skin which covers the lower part of the sternum due to bad liver and heart.
Sternal patch.
8- Corallium
Syphilitic erosions exuding badly smelling ichose,red eruptions which change to coppery.
9- Psorinum
Scaly eruptions which disappear in summer and return in winter.
Eruptions in bends of elbows and knees.
Voilent itching worse by warmth of bed or by scartching.
Eruptions or urticaria disappear in summer and reappear in winter.
10- Kali Mur
Eruptions ,pustules and pimples with whitish discharge and white tongue.
11- Selenium
Itching in the folds of the skin and about the knees.
Itching eruptions relieved by gentle rubbing.
Worse at night.
12- Carboneum Sulph
Eruptions,crusts,eczema,itching on the scalp,moist scaly pimple,sore and painful.
Erysipelas of the scalp.
13- Mezereum
Irritation of outer surface of the body.
Nervous feeling,biting,tingling,chaging from place to place on scartching.
Parts become cold after scartching.
Head covered with a thick leather like under which thick white pus collects here and there and the hair is glued together.
14- Stramonium
Intensely red rash on the skin,resembling scarlet ever with more shining appearance.
Redness of skin.
15- Ranunculus B
Blister like eruptions on the palms of hands of bluish or black colour.
16- Barium Sulph
Itching of the scalp.
17- Anacardium Or
Dermatitis with intense burning and itching which is increased on scartching.
18- Aethusa
Herpetic eruptions at tip of nose.
19- Syphilinum
Copper coloured spots.
20- Bovista
Hives attended with diarrhoea the stools being followed by tenesmus and bearing down.
21- Sepia
Hives worse in open air .
Epithelioma (Cancer ) of lips.
Wings of nose and eye lids.
22- Thyroidinum
Intense redness of the skin with intense itching.
23- Rumex
Worse in open air especially when undressing.
End of part 1
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