Homeopathy Remedies and their Indications
1- Petroleum
Cracks at the end of fingers and on the back of hands.
Skin rough or ragged,
bleeding ,
The tissues are hardened.
Often much itching.
Coldness is spots-stomach,
2- Rhus Tox
Irritation of the skin with tingling and burning.
Crawling sensation in the tips of fingers.
Skin red and swollen.
Worse in cold,
wet and rainy weather.
3- Silicia
Delicate pale waxy skin .
Cracks at the ends of fingers .
Pus Offensive.
Fingers feel dry.
Eruptions itch only in day time and evening.
The patient is cold,
hugs the fire,
hates draught,
hands and feet cold.
4- Sulphur
skin affections after local medication.
Worse scartching and washing.
Skin is dry ,
scaly and unhealthy,
itches and burns.
Hot sweaty hands.
5- Natrum mur
Dryness and cracking about finger nails.
Palms hot and Perspiring.
Liable to take cold.
Great weakness and weariness.
Irritable over trifles.
Consolation aggravates.
Greasy skin.
6- Alumina Silicate
Hands constantly chapped,
coldness of hands,
coldness of legs and feet.
hands cold as ice and fingers blue.
Nails Brittle.
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