Acne Pimples on Face


1- Asterias Rub
Is the head remedy for Pimples on the face at the age of Puberty.

2- Kali Brom 
This remedy may be tried if Asterias Rub fails.

3- Thuja 
Acne of the face and nose and nasal Dermatitis.

4- Ars Iod
5- Sulphur Iod
May be tried in Inveterate cases.
They are of severe type.

6- Hydocotyle
Acne of face when Accompanied with Uterine Derangements.

7- Agaricus 
When there is also a tendency to chilblains.

8- Berberis Aquifolium
Pimples on the face of GIRLS.
It also clears the Complexion.

9- Dulcamara 
Rash on the face before Menses.
Humid Eruptions and Bloches.
Worse in cold and wet weather.

10- Streptococcin
For acne which is Aggravated by taking Eggs and during winter.
Frontal headache better by cold air.

11- Aconite Lycotonum
Hard Tuberculous pimples on the face.
Pimples on Lips.

12- Psorinum
Acne worse during Menses.
Acne from Fats, Sugar, Coffee , Meat.

13- Calcaria  Phos
Acne in Anaemic Girls at Puberty, with Vertex Headache and Flatulent Dyspepsia, relieved by eating.

14- Bovista
Acne due to the use of the face of Cosmetics ,
Especially during summer.

15- Aurum Ars
Acne , Pimples on the face and Forehead.

16- Sanguinaria C
Acne of the face which is worse at the time of menses which are Scanty.

17- Hepar Sulph
In Indicated in pimples which suppurate with white pus.

18- Ars Sul Rubrum
Is Indicated in acne when Accompanied by Eczema or Psoriasis.


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