About this
Fever Blisters are caused by Virus (HSV-1).
HSV,Herpes Simplex Virus.
This virus passed person to person by saliva,or drinking Liquids by same glass or cup .
peoples infected by this Virus by the first time may have fever ,Headache ,Nausea ,Vomiting.
Some people have sore throat problems.
Symptoms can cause 7 to 15 days.
Best single Homeopathic Remedies for this disease are....
1- Natrum Mur
An excellent remedy for fever Blisters.
It may be given at any stage.
In Intermittent Fever.
But if it fails to relieve other remedies should be tried.
Recomended dose is 30 potency to 4 divided dosess in a day.
2- Ignatia
Intermittent fevers, when Nat Mur fails.
3- Acid Phos
Crusty, in typhoid Fevers.
4- Lactic Acid
Studded with vesicles and red base.
5- Hepar sulph
Pimples sore,smarting.
Pustules white apthous on inside.
6- Silicea
Crusts with discharge from ears.
7- Rhus Tox
Fever Blisters.
8- Baptisia
Sordes in Typhus.
HSV-1 is a lifelong problem.
Fever Blisters are caused by Virus (HSV-1).
HSV,Herpes Simplex Virus.
This virus passed person to person by saliva,or drinking Liquids by same glass or cup .
peoples infected by this Virus by the first time may have fever ,Headache ,Nausea ,Vomiting.
Some people have sore throat problems.
Symptoms can cause 7 to 15 days.
Best single Homeopathic Remedies for this disease are....
1- Natrum Mur
An excellent remedy for fever Blisters.
It may be given at any stage.
In Intermittent Fever.
But if it fails to relieve other remedies should be tried.
Recomended dose is 30 potency to 4 divided dosess in a day.
2- Ignatia
Intermittent fevers, when Nat Mur fails.
3- Acid Phos
Crusty, in typhoid Fevers.
4- Lactic Acid
Studded with vesicles and red base.
5- Hepar sulph
Pimples sore,smarting.
Pustules white apthous on inside.
6- Silicea
Crusts with discharge from ears.
7- Rhus Tox
Fever Blisters.
8- Baptisia
Sordes in Typhus.
HSV-1 is a lifelong problem.
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