Homeopathy Remedies

1- Silicea
Ulcers which do not heal quickly.
Promotes healing of indolent ulcers.
Better by hot dressing.
Granulations difficult.
Proud flesh.

2- Acid Flour
Ulcers relieved by cold dressing.

3- Hepar Sulph
An Excellent remedy for curing ulcers.

4- Gunpowder
Ulcers commencing around the ankles and extending to the knees.

Exuding foul pus,less swollen,red and shiny.

5- Aranea Diad
Gangrenous ulcers.
When calcarea and Silicia aggravated ,Arsanic Album partially relieved.
Aranea Diad completely cured,patient being chilly and worst on alternate days.

6- Hydrastis Can
Deep eating spreading ulcers upon the skin or mucus membranes with burning and thick viscid,yellow pus.

7- Comociadia Dentata
Ulcers with hard edges,erysipelas of malignant nature,great swelling,intense itching.

8- Carbo Veg
Ulcers in folds of skin .
Indolent ulcers which continue bleeding passively.
Lchorous ,acrid and thin discharge.

9- Sulphur
Ulcers with violent scrathcing .

10- Staphisagria
Skin readily ulcerates in rickety children.

11- Nux Mosch
Ulceration in hysterical patients.

12- Natrum Carbonate
For ulcers on heels after walking.

13- Sanicula
Ulceration between toes.

14- Paeonia
for ulcers caused by biting of shoes.

15- Opium
Ulcers which are perfectly painless,which do not granulate and do not heal or spread.
Insensibility of parts which are in a high grade of Inflammation.


Hardness of a part of baby,s skin

Homeopathy Remedy

1- Laches
This remedy may be given in 200 or 1000 dilutions weekly or monthly Respectively. 


Homeopathy Remedies

1- Psorinum
Skin rough
Dreads to be washed,looks dingy
Dirty,foul as if covered with dirt.
Skin complaints worse from bathing and from warmth of Bed.

2- Sulphur
Dryness of skin without cracks.


Homeopathy Remedies

1- Bacillinum
It is the head remedy for ringworm and should be given in 200 potency.
It should be repeated only once a week.
 if there is no Improvement in two or three weeks,the following remedies should be used.

2- Sepia
This remedy should be tried next if there are no other symptoms which would point to another remedy.

3- Calcarea Carb
Should be thought of in cold,pale,plethoric ,persons,moist hands and feet.

4- Sulphur
When the Ringworm is accompanied with acidity ,indigestion,retching,loss of appetite and restlessness.

5- Apis Mel
Ringworm with itching and burning and better by cold application.
Give one dose of 200 or 1000 dilution.

6- Tellurium
Ringworm especialyy of the face and body.
The odour of the body and sweat is offensive and Garlic-like.


Vitiligo Leucoderma

White Discoloration of the skin.
The Skin is milky.
White skin ,hairs,nails every thing.
White spots .



Homeopathy Remedies  

1- Tuberculinum
Treatment of this disease should be started with this remedy.
A dose of 200 potency should be given every month along with the following medicines.

2- Arsanic.Sul.FI 
Head remedy for Leucoderma .
It is to be given for a very long time in varing dilution.
At first give 3x trituration and after two months give 30 dilution provided there is no improvement from the lower dilution or does not completely cure within three to four months.
try 200 dilution every week.

3- Arsanic Alb
White skin in Scrufula.

4- Apis Melifica
White skin accompanied by Ovarian Dropsy.
Infantile derangement.
Patches have surrouning redness.

5- Kali Carb
When the skin is milky.

6- Hydrocotyle.
If Arsanic .Sul.Flav fails this remedy may be tried.
It should be given in lower Dilution.
3x or 30 thrice daily.
It should be tried for long time.

7- Borax
White skin with red Patches.

8- Psorinum
Spots of white skin with white lock of hair becomes natural colour under this remedy.


Leprosy The Hansen Disease


Leprosy Causes lesions on the skin.
Leprosy attacks on hands and feet nerves.
Leprosy  or Hansen Disease  is a chronic disease cause by the bacteria name 

Homeopathy Remedies and Indications

1- Hydrocotyle
Head remedy for this disease.

2- Bacillinum
This remedy should be given as an Intercurrent remedy in 200 dilution every fortnight.
No medicine to be given a day before and after the administration of his remedy.

3- Aurum Met
When there is an offensive discharge from the nose.

4- Arsenic Iod
Pricking sensation,Dirty-looking.
Dropping off of fingers and toes.
Enlarged glands.

5- Hoang Nan
Leprosy with numbness and tinglimg in hands and feet.

6- Hura Braz
Leprosy when the skin is felt to be hide bound.

7- Graphites
Discharge of sticky fluids from the cracks.

8- Antum Tart
Flexors bent inwards in Leprosy.

9- Thyroidinum
Leprosy with Syphilitic Eruptions.
Scleroderma,intense redness and scaling of legs.


Indications & Remedies

1- Silicea
This should be tried first in 200 potency to be given every week for six months or so.

2- Acid Flour
When silicea fails,this remedy may be given in 30 potency thrice daily.

3- Tuberculinum
To be given as an intercurrent remedy when there is no or little improvement by the administration of the above remedies.


Indications & Homeo Remedies

1- Rhus Tox
A routine remedy for herpes with itching,burning and tingling pains which will cure most of the cases and with which the treatment should be started.

2- Ranunculus B
Worse in open air,motion damp weather,change of weather or temperature.
Sensitive to touch and cold air.

3- Arsenicum Alb
Herpes with burning and shooting pain.
Worse at night especially from 12 to 4 am.
The crusts are large and deep which bleed when removed.
Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.

4- Astacys FI
For chronic form of urticaria.
Nettle rash over whole body with itching.

5- Mezereum
Herpes that follow the course of intercostal or supra-orbital nerves.
The pain is sharp,lightning like sometimes boring in character.

6- Cicuta Vir
Barber,s Itch ,trouble due to shaving.

7- Thuja
Herpes every where with excessive neuralgic pain.
Eczematous or pustular.

8- Iris Ver
Black type of herpes zoster with eruptions typically eczematous or pustular.

9- Dulcumara
Suppurative herpes due to cold and by living in damp houses.

10- Cantharis
Large blisters with smarting and burning pain.
May be given internally and externally.

11- Prunus Spinosa
Herpes zoster,Dropsy.
Itching on tips of fingers as if frozen.

12- Merc Sol
13- Nitric Acid
14- Natrum Mur
Herpes of prepuce (Genital Organ).
Barber,s itch.
Locally Phtolacca may be applied.

Greasy Oily Hard Skin

Indications & Remedies

1- Antim Crud
Thick,hard,honey coloured skin.
Itching when warm in bed ,worse during night.

2- Hydrocotyle
Thickened skin like that of an elephant.

3- Ranunculus B
Thickning of the skin in eczema with hard.
Honey scales.


Redness Swelling of Skin

Indications & Remedies

1- Aconite
In very early stages of tingling and burning when skin is Red,
Shining ,
Hot and swollen.

2- Passiflora Inc
This is specific for erysipelas.
It should be given in mother tincture in 4 to 5 drops in a dose.

3- Belladonna
Skin red,
Smooth and tense.
In early stages with bright red skin.
Erysipelas of the face and head especially right side.
Sharp cutting pains or throbbing in affected parts.
Fever and sometimes delirium.

4- Apis Mel
Erysipelas of the throat with much swelling of any part of the body or after Operation with Puffiness and Oedematous swelling greatly in excess of the pain which is of a burning and stinging nature with desire for or relief from cold Application to the parts.
Scantly painful Urination frequently Albuminous.

5- Arsanic Alb
Sudden attacks of Erysipelas with 
Restlessness and burning pain.
Intense thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.
The disease shifts from one part to another.
Vomitting and diarrhoea.

6- Borax
Erysipelas of face with a feeling as if a cob-web were on it.

7- Canthris
Vesicular type,
especially of face ,
beginning on nose,
with restlelessness and burning and stinging form large blisters.
Vesicles run together and form blebs.
voilent fever.

8- Crotalus H
Blue look useful in Erysipelas after vaccination or bites of insects.

9- Lachesis
The dark blue and purplish colour of the skin.
Great depression of the vital forces.
Mental prostration.

10- Echinacea
Erysipelas with tendency to boils which are very painful.
3x dilution in drop doses.

11- Hepar Sulph
Should be given when there is tendency to suppuration.

12- Silicea
Excellent remedy when abscesses fail to heal even though the pus has dried up.

13- Sulphur
Suitable as intercurrent remedy in protracted cases of a migrating type.

14- Graphites
Useful for repeated and chronic forms.

15- Ruta
16- Phosphoric Acid
When combined with wounds.


24- Ailanthus Glandulosa
Rash coming out in patches and slow in appearing purple appearance of the skin.

25- Agaricus m
itching of the hairy scalp,
especially in the morning.
icy coldness of the parts after scartching.

26- Antharkokali
chronic herpes,
cracks and ulceration of nostrils.
Better during the full moon.

27- Sulphur
Irritation worse from heat and undressing and better hanging feet out of bed.

28- Pulsatilla
Itching with all the symptoms of sulphur but the patient is touchy and irritable likes sympathy.
Hives of gastric or uterine orgin.

29- Croton Tig
Vesicular eruptions with intense itching and contact.
By suppression ,
cough of a dry hacking and the eyes,
scalp and specially genitals,
scrotum and penis.
Desirefor scartching but cannot scartch hardly as the parts are very sensitive.

30- Dolichos
itching without eruptions,worse by scartching and at night.

31-  Lobelia Infi
Eruptions between fingers,Dorsa of hands,forearms ,consisting of small vesicles.

32- Oleander
Violent itching of the scalp as from lice.
Smarting after scartching.
Eruptions offensive,

33- Ruta 
Urticaria brought on by eating meal.

34- Anagallis
Eruptions and itching on the palms of hands.
They appear again in the same place after they look healed up.

35- Causticum
Suppression of eruptions which cause 
Headaches and nervous pains.

36- Alumina
Eruptions and itching.
Itching of the skin even with out eruptions and he scartches till it bleeds.
Crusts are produced by scartching.
There is no eruptions in crusts are formed.
Itching worse at the time of healing.
It is only relieved when the skin is raw,moist or bleeding.
Itching in warmth of bed.

37- Apis Melifica
Rashes appear suddenly on the surface of the body,long pinkish white blotches,
raised above the skin with intolerable itching,
burning and stinging.
Eruptions may come on as a result of cold or during intermittent fever.

38- Graphite
Itching of the skin all over the body with or with out eruptions worse at night in the warm bed.
Herpes and eczema oozing a glutinous moisture.

39- Dulcamara
Eruptions all over the body producing vesicles,crusts.
with soreness and itching.
Eruptions on the scalp with itching which in not relieved by scartching.

40- Kali Brom
When hives occur with nervous disease.

41- Hura B 
pimples on projecting portions of bones.
Throbbing in finger tips.

42- Vinca Minor
Eruptions of the Scalp and face behind the ears offensive smelling.

43- Pix Liq
44- Baryta carb
45- Astacus FI
46- Petroleum


Itching , Hives , Uticaria and Pruritus

Indications & Homeopathy Remedies

1- Calcarea Carb
Nettle rash or urticaria when it disappears on slightest exposure to fresh air.

2- Rhus Tox
Nettle rashor urticaria on hairy parts.
Eruptions on palms of hands which do not appear in the same place after healing.
When itches accompany ague and Rheumatism.
Large blobs.
Eruptions on genitals,male or female.

3- Chloral
Rashes large in size like Oedematous swelling.

4- Sarsaparilla
Itching eruptions during menses.
Moist eruptions in right groin during menses.

5- Lycopodium
Eruptions on the scalp,on the face,behind the ears in patches with the hair off.
Oozing of water or yellowish fluid.
Eczema of the infants.

6- Natrum Carb
Eruptions upon the finger tips and finger joints also the toes.
Vesicular eruptions open up and form ulcers.

7- Carduus M
Patch of eruptions on the skin which covers the lower part of the sternum due to bad liver and heart.
Sternal patch.

8- Corallium 
Syphilitic erosions exuding badly smelling ichose,red eruptions which change to coppery.

9- Psorinum
Scaly eruptions which disappear in summer and return in winter.
Eruptions in bends of elbows and knees.
Voilent itching worse by warmth of bed or by scartching.
Eruptions or urticaria disappear in summer and reappear in winter.

10- Kali Mur
Eruptions ,pustules and pimples with whitish discharge and white tongue.

11- Selenium
Itching in the folds of the skin and about the knees.
Itching eruptions relieved by gentle rubbing.
Worse at night.

12- Carboneum Sulph
Eruptions,crusts,eczema,itching on the scalp,moist scaly pimple,sore and painful.
Erysipelas of the scalp.

13- Mezereum
Irritation of outer surface of the body.
Nervous feeling,biting,tingling,chaging from place to place on scartching.
Parts become cold after scartching.
Head covered with a thick leather like under which thick white pus collects here and there and the hair is glued together.

14- Stramonium
Intensely red rash on the skin,resembling scarlet ever with more shining appearance.
Redness of skin.

15- Ranunculus B
Blister like eruptions on the palms of hands of bluish or black colour.

16- Barium Sulph
Itching of the scalp.

17- Anacardium Or
Dermatitis with intense burning and itching which is increased on scartching.

18- Aethusa
Herpetic eruptions at tip of nose.

19- Syphilinum
Copper coloured spots.

20- Bovista
Hives attended with diarrhoea the stools being followed by tenesmus and bearing down.

21- Sepia 
Hives worse in open air .
Epithelioma (Cancer ) of lips.
Wings of nose and eye lids.

22- Thyroidinum
Intense redness of the skin with intense itching.

23- Rumex
Worse in open air especially when undressing.

End of part 1


1- Fig


2- fig

 Homeopathy Remedy

1- Ranunculus
The only remedy for the so called incurable.

3- Fig

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