

1- Belladonna
When the boils are red during the stage of Inflammation.
There is throbbing pain without formation of pus.
Blood boils.

2- Calcarea Carb
When the boils are not red but red but are pale and painful.
200 dilution every four hours
three or four doses may suffice.

3- Ars Alb
Chief remedy for carbuncles with burning.
As if coals of fire were put on affected part.
Cutting and burning pain worse after midnight.
Indicated when Anthrax fails.

4- Hepar Sulph
In early stages of pus formation.
Excessive sensitiveness of the parts with sharp stinging pains.
6th dilution every half hour.
It will stop formation of pus or will abort pus in a few hours.
After the pus starts coming out, it will be indicated when the pus is thick, yellow, and the patient is sensitive to touch.
Suppuration around the root of the nails and the end of fingers.

5- Silicea
When there is low healing power.
The pus is thin and watery in Indolent ulcers which refuse to heal.
200 or 1000 dilution to be repeated weekly or monthly respectively.
Patient feels better in dry and warm weather and worse in wet and cold weather.

6- Merc Iod
It is a good remedy in Inflammatory stage of boils when there is no pus formation.
In Glandular Abscesses.
When pus is formed it is green , thin and watery.
Intense shining redness with throbbing and Stinging pain.

7- Arnica Mont
Tendency to small painful BOILS one after another which are Extremely sore.
Small BOILS in crops.

8- Sulphur
Small BOILS in crops, if Arnica Mont fails.

9- Calcarea sul 
Abscesses slow to heal after rupture with a continous discharge of yellow pus.

10- Lachesis
BOILS of bluish colour exuding acrid pus which is offensive.
Burning pains.
Sensitive to touch.

11- Tarentula C 
Abscesses, BOILS,carbuncles,Felons,Malignant Ulcers and Gangrene.
Hard,tender,Inflammed hair ,Follicle,Specific for BOILS at any stage.

12- Gunpowder
Boils,Shingles,Ascariasis and for blood Poisoning.

13- Ledum Pal
Boils or Felons caused by needle pricks.

14- Picric Acid
Boils in external ear.

15- Secale Cor 
Boils small,painful with green contents mature slowly.


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