Plague is a deadly and severe Bacterial infection.
Bubonic Plague is a Zoonotic disease circulating small animals and their fleas.
Plague bacteria name is YERSINIA PESTIS.

This bacteria can also infect humans.
Some peoples called the name of Plague ,Black Death.

Bleeding under skin
Abdominal pain
Septic shock
Low blood pressure
Shortness of breath
Bloody Sputum
Chest pain

History of Plague
Plague is mentioned most countries in the World.
In 1300 Plague killed about one third population of Europe.
In 1894,1898 many other peoples killed by this disease all over the world.
Now these days YERSINIA PESTIS Bacteria can be used against other countries like war weapon.

Homeopathic Remedies
1- Ignatia
Is an excellent remedy to be used as preventive and curative .
It should be given in mother tincture in 1 drop of a single dose.

2- Operculina Tur
When lymphatic glands are enlarged and indurated .
Boils and abscesses.
Fever is associated with restless ,loquacity and delirium.

3- Tarentula Cub
In septic and toxemia condition.
Abscesses with most severe type of inflamation and pain.

4- Arsenic Alb
Extreme prostration with diarrhoea.

5- Crotalus Hor
Right sided affections.
Tendency to Haemorrhages.
Patient sleeps into his symptoms.

6- Hydrocyanic Acid
During the stage of collapse.

7- Phosphorous
When accompanied with pneumonia.

8- Naja
is said to be useful in India in bubonic plague and should be given in Lieu of Lachesis.
some other related medicines are 
Rhus Tox
Pestinum (plaguinum)


 Epidemic Parotitis is a viral disease of the 

Human Species cause by the Mumps virus.
Mumps is a contagious disease that that leads to painful swelling of the salivary glands.
The salivary glands produced Saliva.
Saliva is a liquid that moisten foods and helps you to chew and swallow.

Face pain
Sore throat
Swelling problems

in male symptoms
Testicle swelling
Testicle pain
Scrotal swelling

Ice and heat packs applied to round the neck.
Don,t give Aspirin.
Tylenol can help to reduce pain.
Erythrocin,Cephradine,Doxycycline,may be helpful as patient condition.

Homeopathic Remedies
1 Belladonna 30
is an excellent remedy for mumps.
It may be alternated with Merc,Iodide in 30 potency.

2 Phytolacca
This should be tried if the above remedies fail,and when the tumour is harder and the skin paler.

3 Pulsatilla
When the ear is involved and the pain is very severe.
It is better by heat.when mumps affect testes or mammae ,whereby they are inflammed.

4 Abrotanum
When mumps affect testes or mammae,and when Pulsatilla fails.

5 Pilocarpinum
An Excellent remedy as a preventive .
it may be given twice daily for a week.

6 Parotidinum
It is a Nosode and is used as a preventive against the infection.It may be given in 200 dilution once a week for two or three weeks as preventive.
It is also used as a curative and should be given along with other remedies .
In that case only one dose should be given stopping all other medicines for that day.


Measles is a very contagious illness caused by a Virus.

The infection is spread by contact with droplet from the nose ,mouth,throat of an infected person.
Sneezing and coughing can put contaminated droplet in to air.
Those who have an active measles infection or who have been vaccinated against the measles have immunity to the disease.
before wide spread vaccination measles was so common during the childhood that most people became sick with the disease by age 19.

Symptoms usually begin 7_12 days.
Blood shot eyes
Muscle pain
Light sensitivity
Runny nose
Sore throat
Tiny whit spots in the mouth

Bed rest
Humidified air
and some 
Homoeopathic Medicines like

1 Bryonia
it is an excellent remedy for should be given in 2x aborts the disease and definitely cuts short its prevent lung affections which is a common complication.

2 Silicea
This remedy should be given for cough after measles.

3 Pulsatilla
It is also useful in early stages of the disease with coryza and profuse Lachrymation.

4 Gelsemium
When the patient is drowsy and indifferent.face puffed and flushed .no thirst .pulse full and soft but slow.

5 Malandrinum
Preventive for measles .give in 30 dose every week.

6 Drosera
Spasmodic cough during and after measles.

7 Apis melifika
Meningitis due to suppression of measles with encephalic cry.


Malaria is a Parasitic Disease caused by a female Mosquito Bitten.

Patient feels 

Skin chills,

Respiratery ,

Dry cough,

Spleen enlargement ,

Nausea ,vomiting,

Central headache ,

Systemic fever,

Muscular and back pain

Homeopathic Remedies and Symptoms

1- China
Head remedy for Malaria .
It has chill but without thirst during the first two stages.
The thirst commences about the end of second stage when the fever starts declining.
It is prominent during the stage of sweat.
Symptoms are worse every third day.
Attack preceded by Nausea,Accompanied by Agitation,Palpitation,Headache and feeling of hunger.
In Acute cases give in mother tincture or in 1x.
IN Chronic cases use higher Dilution like 200 or 2000.

2- Chininum Sulph
The Paraoxysm in this remedy comes at 10 or 11 AM,or 3 and 10PM.
Strong shaking chill with thirst.
The heat stage is very violent and is frequently associated with yawning and sneezing.
The thirst is also present during this stage is as well as during the sweat stage.
The sweat is exhausting and long lasting.

3- Arsanic Alb
Great prostration anxiaty,Restlessness,Intense burning thirst with Irritability of stomach, bitter taste.
It should be thought of the chronic cases.

4- Eupartorium Perf
Bone pain as if broken.
Nausea and Vomiting as the chill passes off.
Chill begins in the back and may rediate to other parts.
Chill which begins in the small of the back is worse by motion,dronking and uncovering.
Nausea increases at the close of the chill till the patient vomits a bitter watery subtance.

5- Natrum Mur
Throbbing,Hammering headache and intense thirst,which warns the patient that the paroxysm is at hand.
Dreads the long,Severe and voilent shaking chill with thirst.
Vomits green bilious matter during chill with headache.
Every fever terminates with profuse perspiration.
The Paroxysms return between 10 to 11 AM.
This is a marked and a red line symptoms of this remedy.
Chill begins in the fingers,toes,and back and lasts for hours.
The tips of the fingers and the lips are blue.
The patient face is Yellowish - grey.
Spleen and liver enlarged.
Blisters on lips.

6- Pulsatilla
Slightest disorders of the stomach brings on the attack.
Bitter taste or sour vomiting of phlegm or bite.
Absence of thirst during attack or thirst only during hot stage.
Attacks coming on in the evening.

7- Bryonia
When there is sickness of the stomach,belching,,bitter taste,tongue furried,constipation or diarrhoea,yawning and stiches in the side during heat,much thirst or heat before the chills,red cheeks in cold stage.

8- Gelsemium
When the chill runs up the spine or starts from the feet.
Headache in the nape of the neck.
Chill in middle of the day.
Drowsiness,dullness and dizziness.
No thirst.
Suits children.

9- Wyethia
Chill at 11AM.
Thirst for ice - water during chill.
No thirst with heat.
Profuse sweat all night.
Terrific headache during sweat.

10- Rhus Tox
The sensation of cold in cold stage and heat in the heat stage,piercing through the blood vessels.
Dry tongue.
Dry hacking cough before the chill ,burning in forehead and eyes,moist mouth.

11-  Apis Melifica
Chill with sudden violent vomiting .
Skin dry and hot,burning .
fever comes in the evening between 6 and 7PM.

12- Cedron 
Fever returning at clock-like periodicity.

13- Menyanthes
Fever with prolonged chill,hands and feet ice cold.
Take 200 or 1000 dilution.

14- Ferrum Ars
Malaria fever with enlargement of liver and spleen.
It covers chronic form.
6th dilution use for this kind symptoms.

15- Nux Vomica
Voilent,long lasting and shaking chill of the fingers and face.
Giddiness as if drunk.

16- Malaria Off
it is a Nosode and may be given in high dilution in chronic cases or when the cure is not affected even with the well selcted remedies.
Aching pain etc.

17- Caladium
Always falls asleep every evening during the paroxysm and wakes up after it is over.

18- Nyctanthes
Malaria fever with bilious vomiting,constipation,burning in stomach,nausea,voilent thirst with chill and dropsical swellings.

19- Cimex
Thirst before chill.
Pain in joints during chill-Contraction as if tendons are too short.


Symptoms and Homeopathic treatment

                                   Virus fig

1- Arsanic Alb
It is the head remedy for influenza .
Even if it is given Indiscriminately,it cures 94% of cases.
Its indications are restlessness with thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals,sneezing,running from the nose which is thin and acrid.
It may be tried in post-influenzal symptoms when carbo Veg fails.

2- Sulphur
It intercurrent remedy which should never be forgotten in the treatment of influenza.
If the temperature does not subside with in 48hours,this remedy should be given in 200 dilution on empty stomach early in the morning.
It may complete the cure or help in the selection of other remedies by clearing up the symptoms.
When this remedy is administered no other medicine should be given for at least 12 hours.

3- Gelsemium
Should be thought of in early stages of flu.
It has sneezing ,frequent and violent chilliness up and down the back,face flushed dark red,watery discharge from the nose which is bland.
Aching pain in the muscles.
No thirst but severe headache .
take 1x.

4- Eupatorium perf
It is indicated in fever with chill followed by vomitting of bile.
Shivering runs down the back and spreads to extermities.
There is deep pain in the bones relieved by pressure and movement.
Thirst but water tastes saltish or oily.
Coryza with sneezing,loose cough.
Dryness of body.
Take 2x dilution.

5- Bryonia
It is indicated when flu is complicated with Pneumonia.
There are shooting pains in muscles which are aggravated by least movement.
Dry hacking cough causing much pain in the lungs and chest.
Sweating of the body.

6- Kali Bich
For cough after fever which is not dry.
Sticky phlegm which can be drawn into a thread.
There is weakness,ulceration of mucus membrane of the nose,dryness with pain at the root of the nose and clinkers.

7- Natrum Sulpg
It is specific for epidemic influenza.

8- Rhus Tox
Flue with constant chilliness as if cold water was poured over the body or as if the blood ran cold through the veins,with pains in limbs.
Hard tickling cough.

9- Dulcamara
One of the best remedies in acute form.
Eyes suffused ,throat sore,couhg hurts due to muscular soreness,brought on by wet or change to cold weather.

10- Causticum
High fever ,flushed face ,no chilliness,much prostration,could hardly get out of bed.
Nose stopped,Hoarseness.
Dry hacking cough which is persistent.
Take one dose of 1m.

11- Cardus  m
It is useful for flu when liver is affected.

12- Influenzinum
It is a nosode and should be given as an Intercurrent remedy when other well selected remedies fail to improve the condition.
It is given as preventive in epidemic form of flu.
It also cures.

13- Carbo Veg
An Excellent remedy for post-influenzal symptoms such as prostration,lack of energy.
Burning of soles of feet as if from a red pepper .
Take in 200 potency twice a day.

14- Ammonia Carb
Cough after influenza when bryonia and other remedies fail.
take 200 potency thrice a day.

15- Baptisia
In Epidemic influenza with besotted countenance ,bleary eyes.
Stupid look with stupour from which it is difficult to arouse the patient.

16- Lycopodium
When Literary persons are unable to get to work again after flu,this remedy will cure them.


Excessively High temperature of the whole Body.

Homeopathic remedies are

1- Belladonna
A high Feverish state with comparative absence of toxemia.
Feeling of Burning,Pungent,Steaming heat.
Extremities icy cold.
No thirst.

2- Veratrum Viride
High temperature with great Variation. 

Blisters Hydora

About this
Fever Blisters are caused by Virus (HSV-1).
HSV,Herpes Simplex Virus.
This virus passed person to person by saliva,or drinking Liquids  by same glass or cup .

peoples infected by this Virus by the first time may have fever ,Headache ,Nausea ,Vomiting.
Some people have sore throat problems.
Symptoms can cause 7 to 15 days.

Best single Homeopathic Remedies for this disease are....

1- Natrum Mur
An excellent remedy for fever Blisters.
It may be given at any stage.
In Intermittent Fever.
But if it fails to relieve other remedies should be tried.
Recomended dose is 30 potency to 4 divided dosess in a day.

2- Ignatia
Intermittent fevers, when Nat Mur fails.

3- Acid Phos
Crusty, in typhoid Fevers.

4- Lactic Acid
Studded with vesicles and red base.

5- Hepar sulph
Pimples sore,smarting.
Pustules white apthous on inside.

6- Silicea
Crusts with discharge from ears.

7- Rhus Tox
Fever Blisters.

8- Baptisia
Sordes in Typhus.

HSV-1 is a lifelong problem.

General Fevers

In the type of all Fevers i will write all kind of Homeopathic Drugs.

Homeopathic Remedies

1- Aconite N
High Fever, Restlessness,Great thirst for large quantities of water.
Face flushed.
Exposure to cold wind.
It should only be given in early stages.

2- Baptisia
Fever with thirst and hunger.
Feels warm all over the body after meals.
restlessness or tossing about inthe bed.
Talkativeness when the temperature is high.
Diarrhoea smells fetid.
Alternately the patient may be in deep stupour.

3- Belladona
Flushed face,bright red,high temperature,no thirst,wants to be quiet ,are the ranking symptoms of the remedy .
Headache ,Throbbing of Carotids .
Fever due to working or walking in the sun.

4- Gelsemium
Face Flushed,Dark with Headache commencing from the nape of the neck.
No thirst and patient wants to lie down.

5- Nux Vomica
Patient feels chilly even at the Hottest part of the day.
Although chilly,wants to Uncover.
Obstinate Constipation,Bitter taste in the mouth.
Rise fever between 10 to 11 AM.

6- Arsenic Album
Fever with Restlessness.
Thirst for small quantities of water at short Intervals.
Weakness and Prostration.
Rigors and chill of very violent character with a feeling as if the blood flowing was Ice Water.During the heat state he feels that Boiling water is going through blood Vessels.

7- Bryonia
Fever Accompained by dry cough with pain all over the body.
Wants to lie quiet,doesnot want to talk to any body.
Thirst for large quantities of water at long Intervals.

8- Triosteum
An Excellent Remedy for gastric or Typhoid fever.
It works as specific for all fevers.

9- Caladium
Falls asleep every evening during the fever and wakes up after it is over.

10 Nyctanthes
Bilious fever with Vomiting,burning in stomach,nausea,voilent thirst with chill,Intermittent,fever,with dropsical swellings.

11- Ingatia
Fever with  thirst during chill and in no other stage.
Chill relieved by external heat.
Heat aggravated by external covering,red face during chill.

12- Alstonia
Slow fever with Diarrhoea.

13- Acid phos
Low type Fever.

14- Cadmium Sulph
15- Crotalus Hor
Yellow fever with Intense Vomiting and Nausea.

16- Acetic Acid
Slow fever with night sweat.
Skin cold.

17- Abies Can
Cold Shivering all over as if blood turned to Ice water-chills down back.

18- Psorinum
In fevers when the heat and seat are Intense.
Boiling sweat in fevers which is like hot steam.

19- Apis m
Fever with dry heat and Swelling Alternatively.
Kalazar Fever with Enlargement of Spleen with or without thirst.

Dengue Fever Best Medicines

Dengue Fever is a virus Based Disease based by a type of Female Mosquito.Dengue Fever is caused by one of four different but related Viruses.

It is spread by bite of AEDES AEGYPTI Mosquito ,and other related types.
Dengue Fever is being seen more in world travelers.
There is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. For typical dengue fever, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms .

Dengue Hemorrhegic fever (DHF) is a specific syndrome that tends to affect children under 10 years of age

It causes 
Abdominal pain, 
Hemorrhage (bleeding), 
Circulatory collapse (shock).

There is currently no vaccine available for dengue fever.

The prevention of dengue fever requires control or eradication of the mosquitoes carrying the virus that causes dengue.

Dengue fever begins with a sudden high fever,  as high as 104 - 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

A flat, red rash may appear over most of the body 2 - 5 days after the fever starts. 

A second rash, which looks like the measles, appears later in the disease. 
Infected people may have increased skin sensitivity and are very uncomfortable.

Other symptoms include :

Headache (especially behind the eyes)


Joint aches
Muscle aches
Swollen lymph nodes

Tests and Signs :

1- Antibody titer for dengue virus types
2- Complete blood count (CBC)

3- Serology studies to look for antibodies to dengue viruses.

Treatment :

There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. 
You will need fluids if there are signs of dehydration. 
1- Crotalus Deridus 
This is a Homeopathic Drug that we can use for Dangue Fever Symptoms.

2- Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is used to treat a high fever. Avoid taking aspirin.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a pain reliever and a fever reducer.
is used to treat many conditions such as headache, 
muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothache colds, and fevers.

Acetaminophen may cause side effects.

Some side effects can be serious.:

If you experience any of the following symptoms, 


swelling of the face, 

difficulty breathing or swallowing.

3- Paracetamol (Panadol)

Expectations :

The condition generally lasts a week or more. 

Although uncomfortable. 
Dengue fever is not deadly. 
People with the condition should fully recover.

Contact your Doctor : 

Call your health care provider if you have traveled in an area where dengue fever is known to occur and have developed symptoms of the disease.

Prevention :

mosquito repellent, 
and netting can help reduce exposure to mosquitoes. Traveling during periods of minimal mosquito activity can also be helpful.

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