Plague is a deadly and severe Bacterial infection.
Bubonic Plague is a Zoonotic disease circulating small animals and their fleas.
Plague bacteria name is YERSINIA PESTIS.

This bacteria can also infect humans.
Some peoples called the name of Plague ,Black Death.

Bleeding under skin
Abdominal pain
Septic shock
Low blood pressure
Shortness of breath
Bloody Sputum
Chest pain

History of Plague
Plague is mentioned most countries in the World.
In 1300 Plague killed about one third population of Europe.
In 1894,1898 many other peoples killed by this disease all over the world.
Now these days YERSINIA PESTIS Bacteria can be used against other countries like war weapon.

Homeopathic Remedies
1- Ignatia
Is an excellent remedy to be used as preventive and curative .
It should be given in mother tincture in 1 drop of a single dose.

2- Operculina Tur
When lymphatic glands are enlarged and indurated .
Boils and abscesses.
Fever is associated with restless ,loquacity and delirium.

3- Tarentula Cub
In septic and toxemia condition.
Abscesses with most severe type of inflamation and pain.

4- Arsenic Alb
Extreme prostration with diarrhoea.

5- Crotalus Hor
Right sided affections.
Tendency to Haemorrhages.
Patient sleeps into his symptoms.

6- Hydrocyanic Acid
During the stage of collapse.

7- Phosphorous
When accompanied with pneumonia.

8- Naja
is said to be useful in India in bubonic plague and should be given in Lieu of Lachesis.
some other related medicines are 
Rhus Tox
Pestinum (plaguinum)


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