Plague is a deadly and severe Bacterial infection.
Bubonic Plague is a Zoonotic disease circulating small animals and their fleas.
Plague bacteria name is YERSINIA PESTIS.

This bacteria can also infect humans.
Some peoples called the name of Plague ,Black Death.

Bleeding under skin
Abdominal pain
Septic shock
Low blood pressure
Shortness of breath
Bloody Sputum
Chest pain

History of Plague
Plague is mentioned most countries in the World.
In 1300 Plague killed about one third population of Europe.
In 1894,1898 many other peoples killed by this disease all over the world.
Now these days YERSINIA PESTIS Bacteria can be used against other countries like war weapon.

Homeopathic Remedies
1- Ignatia
Is an excellent remedy to be used as preventive and curative .
It should be given in mother tincture in 1 drop of a single dose.

2- Operculina Tur
When lymphatic glands are enlarged and indurated .
Boils and abscesses.
Fever is associated with restless ,loquacity and delirium.

3- Tarentula Cub
In septic and toxemia condition.
Abscesses with most severe type of inflamation and pain.

4- Arsenic Alb
Extreme prostration with diarrhoea.

5- Crotalus Hor
Right sided affections.
Tendency to Haemorrhages.
Patient sleeps into his symptoms.

6- Hydrocyanic Acid
During the stage of collapse.

7- Phosphorous
When accompanied with pneumonia.

8- Naja
is said to be useful in India in bubonic plague and should be given in Lieu of Lachesis.
some other related medicines are 
Rhus Tox
Pestinum (plaguinum)


 Epidemic Parotitis is a viral disease of the 

Human Species cause by the Mumps virus.
Mumps is a contagious disease that that leads to painful swelling of the salivary glands.
The salivary glands produced Saliva.
Saliva is a liquid that moisten foods and helps you to chew and swallow.

Face pain
Sore throat
Swelling problems

in male symptoms
Testicle swelling
Testicle pain
Scrotal swelling

Ice and heat packs applied to round the neck.
Don,t give Aspirin.
Tylenol can help to reduce pain.
Erythrocin,Cephradine,Doxycycline,may be helpful as patient condition.

Homeopathic Remedies
1 Belladonna 30
is an excellent remedy for mumps.
It may be alternated with Merc,Iodide in 30 potency.

2 Phytolacca
This should be tried if the above remedies fail,and when the tumour is harder and the skin paler.

3 Pulsatilla
When the ear is involved and the pain is very severe.
It is better by heat.when mumps affect testes or mammae ,whereby they are inflammed.

4 Abrotanum
When mumps affect testes or mammae,and when Pulsatilla fails.

5 Pilocarpinum
An Excellent remedy as a preventive .
it may be given twice daily for a week.

6 Parotidinum
It is a Nosode and is used as a preventive against the infection.It may be given in 200 dilution once a week for two or three weeks as preventive.
It is also used as a curative and should be given along with other remedies .
In that case only one dose should be given stopping all other medicines for that day.


Measles is a very contagious illness caused by a Virus.

The infection is spread by contact with droplet from the nose ,mouth,throat of an infected person.
Sneezing and coughing can put contaminated droplet in to air.
Those who have an active measles infection or who have been vaccinated against the measles have immunity to the disease.
before wide spread vaccination measles was so common during the childhood that most people became sick with the disease by age 19.

Symptoms usually begin 7_12 days.
Blood shot eyes
Muscle pain
Light sensitivity
Runny nose
Sore throat
Tiny whit spots in the mouth

Bed rest
Humidified air
and some 
Homoeopathic Medicines like

1 Bryonia
it is an excellent remedy for should be given in 2x aborts the disease and definitely cuts short its prevent lung affections which is a common complication.

2 Silicea
This remedy should be given for cough after measles.

3 Pulsatilla
It is also useful in early stages of the disease with coryza and profuse Lachrymation.

4 Gelsemium
When the patient is drowsy and indifferent.face puffed and flushed .no thirst .pulse full and soft but slow.

5 Malandrinum
Preventive for measles .give in 30 dose every week.

6 Drosera
Spasmodic cough during and after measles.

7 Apis melifika
Meningitis due to suppression of measles with encephalic cry.

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